Abstract Submission Deadline May 20, 2024
REQUIRED FORMAT AND SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALL ABSTRACTS:Please submit your abstracts by email as LaTeX or plain TeX, along with a PDF version. Send abstracts to dennis.davenport@howard.edu and copy lou.shapiro@gmail.com. In the subject area of the email write "Abstract for 9RART". If you have any questions, please send them to dennis.davenport@howard.edu.
LaTeX Template
\usepackage[top=4cm, bottom=4cm, left=3cm, right=3cm]{geometry}
% Extra packages can be used if necessary.
\newcounter{unnumber}\renewcommand{\theunnumber}{}\newtheorem{theorem}[unnumber]{Theorem} \oddsidemargin 0em \evensidemargin 0em \topmargin 0em \textwidth 40em \parindent 0pt \begin{document} \subsubsection*{Title of Abstract} Speaker $^*$, Second Author (if any), affiliation of speaker, affiliation of second author (if different) \medskip
Put here a brief description of the main results of the presentation. The abstract should provide sufficient details about the presentation, aiding individuals in deciding whether to attend. Our aim is to ensure consistency and aesthetic appeal. \medskip If you prefer, you can state your results as a theorem, as follows: \begin{theorem}\textbf{(The Fundamental Theorem of Riordan Arrays):} Let $(g,f)$ be a Riordan array. Let $%A(z)=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty }{a_{k}z^{k}}$ and let $A$ be the column vector $A=\left(a_{0},a_{1},a_{2},\cdots \right) ^{T}$. Then $(g,f)A=g(z)A(f(z))$.\end{theorem}
Keywords: Put 2-5 keywords here.\end{document}
\usepackage[top=4cm, bottom=4cm, left=3cm, right=3cm]{geometry}
% Extra packages can be used if necessary.
\newcounter{unnumber}\renewcommand{\theunnumber}{}\newtheorem{theorem}[unnumber]{Theorem} \oddsidemargin 0em \evensidemargin 0em \topmargin 0em \textwidth 40em \parindent 0pt \begin{document} \subsubsection*{Title of Abstract} Speaker $^*$, Second Author (if any), affiliation of speaker, affiliation of second author (if different) \medskip
Put here a brief description of the main results of the presentation. The abstract should provide sufficient details about the presentation, aiding individuals in deciding whether to attend. Our aim is to ensure consistency and aesthetic appeal. \medskip If you prefer, you can state your results as a theorem, as follows: \begin{theorem}\textbf{(The Fundamental Theorem of Riordan Arrays):} Let $(g,f)$ be a Riordan array. Let $%A(z)=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty }{a_{k}z^{k}}$ and let $A$ be the column vector $A=\left(a_{0},a_{1},a_{2},\cdots \right) ^{T}$. Then $(g,f)A=g(z)A(f(z))$.\end{theorem}
Keywords: Put 2-5 keywords here.\end{document}